Open mic night at Shakespeare and Co, Friday, 29th October, at 8:30 pm

In case any of you or your friends are interested…

WORD the first open mic/slam/improvisation night upstairs in the library at Shakespeare and Company. Featuring musician extraordinaire Thos Henley & poet Rufo Quintavalle. Everyone weelcome to watch or participate!

Chaired by Adam Biles, Paris musician extraordinaire Thos Henley and poet Rufo Quintavalle will kick of the evening. Thos Henley enjoys reading Lawrence Durrell and playing music – listen to his tunes at Rufo is the author of a chapbook, Make Nothing Happen and his work was recently nominated for a Pushcart prize. Seats limited. Potential participants need to email Adam at or sign up on the night before 7.30pm Spots limited so first to sign up, first to have a spot.

–       All performances 5 minutes max.

–       Poetry, prose, music or any other genre welcome – if music please keep in mind the space is small so limited room for instruments.

–       Work has to be original. If you are reading someone else’s work you need to state that before-hand.

–       No mic for this open mic (good library acoustics)

–       Most impressive performer (judged by special guests) will receive 10 euro book credit and a pulp classic paperback

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